Sunday, November 28, 2010

History of U-869

On U-869's first patrol, 2 months after its launch the sub was supposedly sunk. But it drifted all the way to the New Jersey coast with out sign to anybody then lost for nearly a century until Chatterton and Nagle find the boat. They first discover a knife in the boat with "Neuerburg" carved in the handle, this is how they get the idea of U-869 with Neuerburg's records for captaining U-869. Then they found a box in the sub, very damaged but a plate on the side was cleaned of and had the marking of U-869 on it. So this helped to finally prove the idea of U-869. Before U-869's name was finally discovered it was often called "U-Who". U-869 was a German Type IXC/40 U-Boat. It was hard for most historians to believe a U-boat came this that close to the US coast when it was supposedly sunk of the coast of Rabat. But then records were found to order U-869 to move to Gibraltar, as seen in the map above where this was thought to be her end until of course U-869 was found of the coast of New Jersey making U-869 a mystery.

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